Specialist :
I am completely committed to providing the best possible care to patients. And by referring to AgileOrtho group, you’re choosing first-rate care for your patient, as well as the lower cost and greater convenience associated.
Personal Information
Hello, I’m Dr.D.V.Kshirsagar. Many people never see a specialist and spend their lives suffering from pain without relief. Successfully treating severe patients pain isn’t just about covering up the problem. It’s about uncovering specific triggers, addressing the root cause, and re-engaging back into your life.
Introduction :
An expertise in Orthopedic,Arthroscopy and in Joint replacement surgery.Extensive experience of 16
years in medical field.A certified Industrial Health Consultant and certifying Surgeon for Pune district.
Professional Career
1) Director Of Sterling Multiplicity Hospital Nigadi ,Pune
2) Director Of Shreevinayak Orthopedic Clinic,Pune
3) Director Of Shreevinayak Occupational Health Services,Pune
4) Industrial Health Consultant – associated with many organizations.
5) Practicing in Orthopedic,Arthroscopy and in Joint replacement surgery since 2004.
- 200 beded NABH Accredited exclusive multispeciality Hospital
- 64 slice CT scan
- Advanced Cathlab machine
- 20 Beded Non-COVID ICU
- 80 Beded COVID wards
- 7 Beded COVID ICU
- 8 Dialysis machine
- 5 Well equipped operation theaters
- NABL Accredited Dignostic laboratory
- All diagnostic facilities USG ,Echo,stress test,microlab, pathology lab
- Deluxe and Private facilities
- NICU and PICU Pediatric Dept
- Exclusive OBS/GYN department
About Dr.D.V.Kshirsagar
- Profile Introduction
X-Ray , Stress test (TMT)
Color Doppler
BMD - Summarise What You Do
Pre-Employment Checkups
Certifying Surgeon Certification (Proforma/Form 6,7, and 23)
Physician Certification (MBBS,MD)
Onsite Medical Checkup with all with all pathology and diagnostic tests
Rapid Medical Checkups.(Onsite and Offsite)
Annual Medical Checkups (Onsite and Offsite)
Diagnostic Services
Pathalogy Lab (NABL Accredited)
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
Specalist Consultation,Lectures. - Qualification And Fellowship :
- Professional Memberships, Associations, Commitees :
- Current Hospital Appointments :
- Continuing Medical Education :
- Conferences :
- Meetings :
- Seminars :
- Publications And Events :
- Research Projects :
- Tell Your Story :