Dr. Pankaj Jindal
Specialist : Hand & Wrist
I am completely committed to providing the best possible care to patients. And by referring to AgileOrtho group, you’re choosing first-rate care for your patient, as well as the lower cost and greater convenience associated.
Personal Information
Hello, I’m Dr. Pankaj Jindal. Many people never see a specialist and spend their lives suffering from pain without relief. Successfully treating severe patients pain isn’t just about covering up the problem. It’s about uncovering specific triggers, addressing the root cause, and re-engaging back into your life.
Undergraduate degree: Gujarati Science College, Indore, MP, India (B.Sc. part 1. 1976)
Medical school: Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College, Indore, MP, India (.1982)
Introduction :
Acute hand trauma, birth defects of hand, spastic hand, paralytic hand, arthritic hand, compression neuropathy in hand and feet, restoration of sensation in a diabetic foot.
Performed almost 20,000 surgeries for injured and disabled hands
Performed over 50 reimplantations of totally severed / amputated hands, one of the highest series in India.
Hospital Staff and Clinic Affiliation
- Pune Hand Surgery Institute, Founder and Director, 1991 to date
- Ratna Memorial Hospital, Pune, India, Consultant Hand Surgeon, 1991to date
- Jehangir Hospital, Pune, India, Consultant Hand Surgeon, 1993 – 2010
- Inlaks and Budhrani Hospital, Pune, India, Consultant Hand Surgeon, 1991 – 1993
Membership of professional organization:
- Indian Society for Surgery of the Hand
- Indian Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery
- Burns Association of India
- Indian Foot and Ankle Society
- Indian Rheumatology Association
- Indian Association of Occupational Health
- Bombay Orthopaedic Society
- Poona Orthopaedic Society
- Indian Medical Association, Pune
- Central Zone Chapter of Indian Orthopaedic Association
- North Zone Chapter of Indian Orthopaedic Association
- UP Chapter of Indian Orthopaedic Association
- MP Chapter of Indian Orthopaedic Association
- Maharashtra State Chapter of Indian Orthopaedic Association
- Rajasthan Orthopaedic Surgeons’ Association
- BJ Medical College Research Society, Pune
- Chhattisgarh State Orthopaedic Association
About Dr. Pankaj Jindal
- Profile Introduction :
- Summarise What You Do :
- Qualification And Fellowship
Hand Surgery Fellowship, Profs.J. Michon and M. Merle, Service Assistance Main, Nancy, France (July 1 - September 30, 1987)
Fellowship in Hand Surgery and Research, Dr. Alfred B. Swanson, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA (July1- December 31, 1988)
Christine M Kleinert Fellowship in Hand Surgery and Microsurgery, Drs. Harold Kleinert and Joseph E Kutz, Louisville, Kentucky, USA(March 1,1989 - February 28,1990) - Professional Memberships, Associations, Commitees :
- Current Hospital Appointments :
- Continuing Medical Education
Prof. Algimantas Narakas, Lausanne, Switzerland (October 13 – 31, 1987)
Profs. Raoul Tubiana and Alain Gilbert, Paris, France (November 16 - 25, 1987)
Dr. C.S. Ranawat, Joint Replacement Service, New York, USA (Nov. 30, 1987.-.Jan. 29, 1988)
Travelling fellowship: Dr. Kirk Watson, Hartford, Connecticut (April 16 – 20, 1990)
Dr. Julio Taleisnik, Los Ángeles, California (March5 – 16, 1990)
Visiting Scholar, Drs. Fu Chan Wei and David Chuang, Chang Gung Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan(Mar 1999)
Visiting Scholar, Dr. PC Ho, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong (October 2011) - Conferences
Pune Hand Surgery Institute: On-going teaching program for young orthopaedic surgeons visiting the service from other parts of the country. The program consists of: A. Series of lectures on management of trauma, compression neuropathy, management of congenital anomalies, spastic hand, paralytic and arthritic hand. B. Participation in the perioperative patient care under my supervision. C. Workshop on making economical splints for post operative care.
On-going accident prevention programs for industrial workers: On-site factory workshops and power point presentations emphasizing safe working practices and environment. Over 70 lectures presented to date.
Lecture series to senior citizens about aches and pains, compression neuropathy and life style diseases. - Meetings :
- Seminars
Brachial Plexus Surgery: Instructional course and hands on cadaveric dissection workshop. Course Chairmen: Drs. David Khoo and Fok-ChuanYong. Singapore General Hospital, Singapore, March 4 - 5, 1999.
Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop. Course Chairman: Dr. Winston Chew Yoon Chong. Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore, March 3-4, 2011
Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop. Orthopedic Learning Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Course Chairman: Dr. PC HO. Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, November1-3, 2011. - Publications And Events
Bhandari N, Jindal P. Monteggia lesion in a child - Variant of a Bado type 4 Lesion: a case report. J Bone Joint Surgery 1996; 78-A: 1252-1255.
Thurman RT, Jindal P, Wolff TW. Ulnar nerve compression in Guyon’s canal caused by calcinosis in scleroderma. J Hand Surgery 1991; 16A:739-741.
Swanson AB, Swanson G de G, Maupin BK, Hynes DEM, Jindal P. Failed carpal bone arthroplasty: causes and treatment. J Hand Surgery 1989; 14-A (Part 2): 417-424.
Pankaj Jindal . Synostosis of proximal phalangeal bases for loss of distal metacarpal. Indian J Orthop. 2016 Nov-Dec; 50(6): 689–692. Saha Gold medal award. - Research Projects
Design and development of low cost miniature external fixator for hand surgery, known as JESS in India. Principal and sole investigator: Pankaj Jindal (1985) Research grant and royalties: None
Design and development of low cost dynamic splints for hand surgery and rehabilitation. Principal and sole investigator: Pankaj Jindal (1985) Research grant and royalties: None
Design of external fixator for tibia. Principal and sole investigator: Pankaj Jindal (1983) Research grant and royalties: None - Tell Your Story
Charity Surgical Camps for correction of hand deformities organized in remote areas of the country regularly since 2001. Locations: Chalisgaon, Jalgaon, Jalna, Raipur (Chhattisgarh), Pune, Shirur, Waduj (Satara). Type of patients selected: Deformities due to burns , spasticity due to cerebral palsy, congenital deformity. All age groups are treated, but children receive priority. More than 900 patients surgically treated over 18 years with 2 associates.
Red Swastic Society. In recognition of free services to Charity Surgical Camps.
Rajshree Parmar Foundation for attending victims of road accidents.
Agrawal club, Pune. In recognition of free services to Charity Surgical Camps.
Rotary Club, Jalgaon. In recognition of free services to Charity Surgical Camps.
Rotary Club, Chalisgaon .In recognition of free services to Charity Surgical Camps.
Rotary club, Shahada, Maharashtra. In recognition of free services to Charity Surgical Camps